Shed Crafted by Maple Grove Senior High Class Up for Auction
There’s a special shed up for auction in Maple Grove, designed and built by Maple Grove Senior High students.
Scott Kasten, tech-ed teacher, said this is the second year a class has built a shed. Last year’s was simpler and is now being used on school property. This year, the students went more in depth with their design, including windows, a maple leaf door handle and a slanted roof.
Residential construction class was so popular this year, it filled two classes with 50 students total. Kasten said this project is a great opportunity for students.
“It just kind of runs the full gamut, and supports a lot of different careers that are high paying, in demand and highly skilled,” Kasten said.
Alexa Hadley is a junior at the school. She took the class because of an interest in architecture. After working through the process — from design to construction to the finishing touches — she said she’s still interested in the field.
“To be immersed in that, and get to see day-by-day the progression… it’s so gratifying to look at at the end,” Hadley said.
The shed is practically a blank canvas inside. Kasten’s students said that was intentional. The buyer can make it whatever they like, from a tiny home to a pool house.
The shed is up for auction online. It runs until 6 p.m. on Dec. 10. Anyone can bid on Public Surplus until then. That website has more detail about pricing and shed specs.
Kasten said all of the proceeds go back into the program.
Students can take the trimester-long class at MGSHS in the fall.