Providence Academy Creates Float for Plymouth on Parade
Providence Academy enjoys participating in Plymouth on Parade. The Lions are eager to show off their talents on a big blue and gold float.
“It definitely has enough sparkles to catch your eye,” said student Olivia Klausen.
The float was first constructed several years ago and each year students and staff a little more bling to it.
In the days leading up to the parade, students worked on the trim and added gold letters to the sides of the float.
Besides the float, Providence Academy’s spirit team and marching band will also march.
“We’re going to do a compilation of Disney marching music this year. It’s a little bit of a retro feel,” said Thomas Jones, Upper School Band Director. “It’s going to be some of the things folks in the audience grew up with and have something everybody can relate to.”
Providence Academy officials say they are delighted to be part of the parade each year. They say it helps to promote school spirit, and it’s a great way to connect with the community.
To find out more about Plymouth on Parade, click here.