Plymouth Police to Host Drug Take Back Day on Oct. 23
Plymouth police and several law enforcement agencies promote getting rid of unneeded prescription drugs on October 23, which is Drug Take Back Day.
Plymouth will offer a drug destruction bag at a drive-through event at the public safety building from 10 a.m. to noon on Oct. 23.
“A product called Deterra. They are drug destruction bags and we have a number of those that we pass out,” said said Erik Fadden, Police Chief for the City of Plymouth. “What this allows people to do is actually deactivate, or destroy the prescription drugs that they’re not using anymore in a bag. Then they can safely dispose of them in the trash.”
Theft and abuse of prescription drugs has been a growing problem. The prescription drug take-back efforts have aimed at raising awareness and providing solutions for safely disposing of no longer needed prescription drugs. By providing the Deterra bags to the public, Chief Fadden says this allows residents to have the flexibility of destroying prescription drugs anytime during the year.
The city of Plymouth will be distributing the bags at a drive thru event in the Plymouth Public Safety City Hall parking lot from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, October 23.