Noble Elementary Students Go on Virtual Field Trip
About 60 Noble Elementary students went on a virtual field trip to Chicago to learn about making organ instruments.
“Instead of me just telling them about these instruments or showing them video, they can ask someone in the field and they can get that first person experience,” said music teacher Bailey Cook.
Students video chatted with a pipe organ expert from Chicago. Then, they got to see the inside of what the shops look like. Students also saw how grand the instruments are.
Noble Elementary principal Michael Rickenberg said the virtual field trip relates to the school’s focus of technology and computer.
“We are right now essentially training our students for jobs that have not been created yet. So we want to make sure we’re giving them that opportunity in order to excel,” said Rickenberg.
Rickenberg said every student in the school participates in the new computer science program for a minimum of one hour a week.
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