New Hope Sees Unusual Crime During Covid-19 Outbreak
New Hope Police say they’ve seen a unique crime trend during the Covid-19 outbreak.
According to Crime Prevention Specialist Officer Nichole Korth, two thefts occurred at local convenience stores. Someone ripped off two automated changers, which is the portion of the register that gives back change. The incidents were reported on March 22nd. The suspect grabbed the changers while employees were distracted and ran away from the scene. No word on how much money was stolen.
Korth also says auto thefts are on the rise for March. She says the number is up from the previous month.
“So far, there have been six legitimate auto thefts so far this month, “ said Crime Prevention Specialist Officer Nichole Korth. “January 2020 and November 2019 had six reported auto thefts, and last May, we had seven.
New Hope officials say they will provide spot checks throughout the city and keep an eye on businesses that are closed due to Governor Tim Walz’s stay-at-home executive order.