New Hope Police Department Seeks Recruits
New Hope police are looking for at least four new recruits.
“We’re looking both for people with experience and coming fresh out of college and academy training,” said Captain Scott Slawson of the New Hope Police Department.
The department is looking for people like Brianna Vierling who came to drop off her application for police officer with the city. She will be finishing up her academy training this December.
“I just kinda grew up around law enforcement and firefighters. It always interested me as a kid,” said Vierling.
New Hope has an authorized staff of 34 officers. Currently they have 30. Slawson says local police departments aren’t just competing with other law enforcement agencies for new officers, they are combating negative sentiments about law enforcement that haven’t helped draw candidates.
“When they weigh the sentiment today. They may be less likely to choose a field like law enforcement as opposed to something else,” said Slawson.
However, negative public opinions won’t deter Brianna in her search for a career as a police officer.
“I know that there are great police officers still out here today and they just want the best for their community and their police department,” said Vierling.
“We’re looking for the right person. Not only the right person and the right fit for us. But more importantly, that we’re the right fit for a candidate that’s looking for a department,” said Slawson.
If you are interested joining the New Hope Police Department check out its Facebook page and or the city’s website.