MnDOT Studying Hwy. 169 Improvements in West Metro
Charlie Hutchinson knows his store, Gotta Go Gotta Throw, is a destination for most folks.
“People are going to fight their way in here,” said Hutchinson on Friday, a busy day at the store. “I would say that’s not true for all businesses.”
The store, located off U.S. Highway 169 and Plymouth Avenue in Golden Valley, is one of the few disc golf stores in the Twin Cities metro area. So, it may not be as sensitive to road construction as a restaurant or a business that offers delivery.
“If I was a small coffee shop that was reliant on [Highway 169] off-traffic, it would probably kill me,” he said.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation launched a public survey this summer asking anyone who drives, bikes or walks along the Highway 169 corridor to offer feedback into what other kinds of lanes — or multimodal transportation options — should be available on the highway between Maple Grove to the north (101st Avenue) to Golden Valley (Highway 55) to the south.

MNDOT launched an online survey to ask drivers what changes they may like to see along Highway 169.
MnDOT Highway 169 Survey Runs Through Aug. 8
That survey is available online until Aug. 8.
Hutchinson said he knows that any changes would involve construction, but, again, he’s not terribly worried about those possible impacts on his business.
“Even with the shutdown we have going on right now, north of us, on the Rockford Road exit, certainly it’s putting pressure on that traffic, at that exit,” he said. “It doesn’t seem to change really all that dramatically for time to get into work at rush hour or to get home.”
He also doesn’t think there’s any persistent need for the addition of MnDOT E-Z Pass or high occupancy vehicle lanes on 169 at this time.
“I think where the problem is, if anywhere, is up with the interchanges with the interstate, up on the top of the loop,” he said. “Between the 494 and the 610 interchange is where it all stacks up.”
MNDOT’s study period will continue into 2024.
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