Maple Grove Woman Crafts Free Car Decals to Spread Love
What started out as a hobby for Maple Grove resident Lyuba Kluczynski eventually turned into a purpose amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kluczynski is making free car decals that have heart-shaped designs. The three design options are in the photo below.
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Kluczynski says she can make four at a time in about 30 minutes. So far, she has made nearly 100 decals for residents.
While the decorations are free, Kluczynski says people began to tape cash to her door as a thank you. Kluczyanski took this opportunity to repurpose the cash.
The money collected will be used to buy lunch for those working the night shift at Maple Grove Hospital. As of now, Kluczynski has raised $245.
“For me personally, it’s just knowing that I brought a smile to somebody’s face. It was just something simple and it made somebody so happy,” Kluczynski said.
If you are interested in ordering car decals you can Facebook message Lyuba Kluczynski.