Maple Grove Updates Public on COVID-19 Response
Fire Chief Tim Bush updated the Maple Grove City Council this week on the city’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Bush told the council that after partially activating the city’s emergency operations center (EOC), that center then became virtual. The city is using various technology platforms to allow digital conferencing rather than face-to face meetings.
“This reduces the need for in-person meetings while enhancing our ability to provide social distancing,” said Bush.
While the EOC is virtual, emergency services are not. Police and fire continue to provide service as normal. However, some city services have changed or been shut down. For instance, Maple Grove’s senior center is closed, as is the community center.
Maple Grove has also suspended all parks and recreation programs. Police and fire explorer programs have been suspended too, and a firefighter training drill scheduled for this week is postponed.
“We’re attempting to do a measured response without going completely one way or the other,” said Bush.
Maple Grove is asking the public to conduct business with the city over the phone whenever possible rather than coming into city offices. Chief Bush noted that people should stay tuned to city announcements, because procedures could change as CDC and other government agency recommendations are updated.
“We’re monitoring this every day. We know it’s a situation that is changing.”
Mayor Mark Steffenson noted that citizens should take precautions to avoid getting sick, but should not panic.
Bush’s entire statement to the council is available on Maple Grove’s Facebook page. If you’d prefer not to use Facebook, the video is also available here. Just click Item 5A1 to get to the fire chief’s statement.
For more CCX News coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak, click here.
Brandon Bankston, Reporting