Maple Grove Fire Chief Talks About Coronavirus
There are no reported cases of coronavirus yet in Minnesota, but experts say it’s inevitable the illness will come to the state. Many cities, like Maple Grove, are dusting off and updating plans for what to do in a worst-case scenario.
“In a true pandemic, you could end up with 40 to 50 percent of your work force that are sick or are caring for sick family members,” said Maple Grove Fire Chief Tim Bush. “We plan for that potential.”
Chief Bush is hoping that people take simple, basic steps to avoid getting coronavirus and any influenza-type illnesses. He says to wash your hands with soap and hot water. Use hand sanitizers and cleaning supplies for common surfaces.
If there is a true pandemic, it could result in quarantine situations and force the cancellation of certain activities.
“If we start seeing cases coronavirus popping up in Minnesota, we’re going to take direction from the Minnesota Department of Health as to when we need to limit some of those activities,” Bush said. “You’re talking sporting events, recreational events. Things that can be put on hold.”
Bush says another coronavirus casualty could be the handshake.