Kenyan Immigrant Organization Demands Peaceful Justice
In the wake of the tragic shooting, a local immigrant group called Mwanyagetinge is demanding justice but wants it done peacefully.
Mwanyagetinge is the largest organized group of Kenyans in Minnesota. Huldah Momanyi-Hiltsley is the president of the organization. She said African immigrants are subjected to injustice every day.
“What we are asking is to encourage people to peacefully protest and demand justice,” Momanyi-Hiltsley said.
She said the group strongly condemns anybody who wants to riot and destroy homes and businesses. She said “that’s not helping us heal.”
Momanyi-Hiltsley called on city and state leaders to address the Daunte Wright tragedy in a manner that brings solutions.
“For the longest time when we talk about police reforms and solution, what does that look like? Does that include minority voices? A lot of time those are happening behind closed doors. We want accountability from all of our leaders, from the top to the bottom in terms of what are the solutions that work for the community,” she said.
For more information about the African immigrant group’s efforts you can visit the Minnesota African Coalition website.
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