Good Shepherd Students Provide Blankets of Hope for Homeless
Good Shepherd School students wrapped up a Blankets of Hope project designed to provide warmth and inspiration to the homeless.
Third and fourth grade students wrote letters of inspiration and caring for the recipients of the blankets. The school purchased the blankets from the Blankets of Blankets of Hope says it’s mission is to help students practice empathy and kindness by donating blankets.
Here’s what the students had to say about the project…
“I think its’ important to give people hope and encouragement because they might be sad and they might need hope. So if we give that to them they can get back on their feet,” said Clara Morney, 4th grader at Good Shepherd.
“The blankets help homeless people who don’t have any homes. And like don’t wake up to normal stuff like we do in our lives,” said Connor Purdy, a 3rd grader at Good Shepherd.
“I think it gave them a good perspective one on how fortunate they are. And also made them think outside their own lives and how they could help other people,” said Angie Ruehle, a 4th grade teacher at Good Shepherd.
Good Shepherd will now donate the blankets with their notes of encouragement to Sharing and Caring Hands. They will in turn distribute them in the Twin Cities area.