Golden Valley Police Officer Shortage ‘Dire’ According To Union Officials
Like many cities, Golden Valley is facing a critical police officer shortage. The department has been grappling with the staffing shortfall for a few years.
The Golden Valley Police Department is budgeted for 31 sworn and eight community service officers. However, according to a recent numbers released by the city, staffing numbers have dwindled significantly. The department currently has 14 sworn officers and eight non-sworn community service officers. Of this number, eight sworn officers and all the community service officers are responding to 911 calls.
In a recent statement, Police Chief Virgil Green said, “Our GVPD officers and staff are doing amazing work. They have gone above and beyond expectations to make sure the community’s needs are being met as we work to recruit and train new officers.”

Golden Valley Police Chief Virgil Green during recent interview with CCX News
Police Staffing Numbers Differ
Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS) provides union services for the Golden Valley Police Department.
The union says the staffing numbers are “dire” and less than the numbers city officials offered. According to a statement from LELS, “There are 12 officers actually on the current department roster from the chief on down, and only nine of 12 officers are available to take a call for service, but that includes the chief and assistant chief, so in reality, that means there are seven.”
The union also says the police department works one officer per shift.
“The radical agenda of Golden Valley’s city leaders and their lack of support to the staff within the police department is having an effect on its residents and visitors to the community,” said LELS Executive Director Jim Mortenson in a statement to CCX Media. “It has caused unprecedented and dangerously low staffing levels as well as morale issues, as police officers are leaving in droves for employment with surrounding agencies.”
In the meantime, Golden Valley has partnered with the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office to have deputies cover shifts. For investigative work, the city has hired Belcom, a Bloomington-based security company made up of former officers. For medical calls, the city is relying on the help of the Golden Valley Fire Department.
In the long term, the Golden Valley Police Department hopes to hire officers away from other cities who are looking for opportunities to advance their careers. The city offers a $10,000 hiring incentive to recruit more officers to fill those open positions.
The incentive would be paid as follows:
- $1,500 on the first paycheck
- $3,500 upon completion of field training
- $5,000 upon completion of probationary training (typically one year)
Chief Green says officers in Golden Valley can make between $75,000 to $100,000 a year, depending on experience.