Frisbee Golf Growing in Popularity
Could frisbee golf or disc golf, be more popular than traditional golf in the next few decades? Some people seem to think so. It is cheaper to play—- and more than half of the people who participate in the sport are under the age of 35.
This winter, many folks stop by for a little disc golf on Brookview’s 18-hole course. Disc golf works like regular golf, but instead of hitting a ball into a hole, players throw specially-designed discs into chain baskets, counting up the number of throws it takes to get from the launch point to the basket.
The Brookview disc golf course in Golden Valley is open seven days a week beginning in November. No discs? No problem. Rent them during Brookview’s winter hours for $6 a bundle.
Photojournalist, Dustin Scholl— caught up with some avid disc golfers at Brookview. For more information check out their website: