Eye on the Trades: High School Students Tour Protolabs in Brooklyn Park
A group of high school students from around the northwest metro got a chance to see what their future careers might look like. The kids were on a tour at Protolabs in Brooklyn Park taking part in a program put on by Hennepin Technical College.
The company specializes in producing prototypes for clients ranging from med-tech to aerospace, with a very fast turnaround time. The kids got a presentation on how Protolabs operates, then a tour of the factory floor. Protolabs employees say some of the kids might come work for them, but whether or not that happens, tours like this are worth it.
“It is very important,” says the head of manufacturing operations, Scott Pedersen. “Because we of course need employees but more importantly we just want people to grow and help out this space and overall economy and state growth, so we’re in this for the whole environment, not just for us.”
Pedersen hopes students come away from the tour with the idea that a career in manufacturing can be fun and challenging.
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Brandon Bankston, Reporting