District 281 Wants to Expand Cooper High School Stadium Use
The Robbinsdale School District proposes to eliminate restrictions on who can use the Cooper High School athletic field. Currently, events have to involve a majority of District 281 students. But, a change could mean hosting events like crafts fairs and movie nights at the stadium. Outside groups could also the stadium field for athletic events.
Neighbors spoke at a recent planning commission meeting against loud noise that already comes from the stadium at events.
“Before the game and during intermission, [they] crank that music up. So here I am, in my home with a nice three season porch in the back trying to spend a relaxing Saturday afternoon and it’s constant pounding sound,” said Shaun McMillen.
“They are asking for a potential to use the PA system at 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. year-round with unlimited use,” said Amira Friedson. “It’s not okay for them to stand up here and convince everybody that it will only be a few events a year, when that’s not what they are asking for.”
The proposal ended up getting tabled. Look for it to come up again before the New Hope Planning Commission next month.