Crystal Teams Up with Nonprofit to Help Seniors Maintain Their Homes
The city of Crystal is partnering with a community-based nonprofit to help seniors with household chores and other light duties. The company is called Senior Community Services. The city of Crystal uses the program to help older residents with property maintenance, lawn care, snow removal, painting and other needs. Staff and volunteers also run errands and perform light housework. City officials view the program as a tool to help senior residents care for their properties and prevent the emergence of blight.
“Senior Community Services Home Program is a tool that we can use to connect those residents with resources. So, that those things can get taken care of before it ever gets to the point of actual code enforcement,” explained John Sutter, Crystal’s community development director.
Seniors Pay What They Can Afford
The program is available to anyone 60, and older and services are offered on a sliding fee. So far this year, over 70 Crystal residents have used the program.
The city contributes $7,500 per year to Senior Community Services for its home program, $5,000 from the Economic Development Authority Fund and $2,500 from the General Fund.