Crystal Police Warn Shoppers To Be Alert
After Christmas, many people head to the stores to return presents or just keep shopping for good deals. The Crystal police department is warning shoppers to be alert.
They say it only takes a second for criminals to go after purses and wallets. With stores, malls, and downtown streets teeming with unsuspecting shoppers, police say stay alert and be aware of what’s going on around you. Crystal police say lock the car, close the windows, and hide shopping bags and gifts in the trunk. They also say be extra careful with purses and wallets.
“Don’t leave it in your cart. They’re very crafty, very good at what they do, and they will either remove the wallet out of there, and you’ll never even know until you go to check out or they will take the purse completely while you’re at items on a shelf,” said Sergeant Justin Tourville.
Also, another tip, If you carry a backpack, wear it in front of you so criminals can’t take items when you’re not looking.
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