New Law Enforcement Memorial Plates on Crystal Police Cars
Crystal police squad cars have new license plates that honor officers who have died in the line of duty.
“We’ve had 286 officers that have died in the line of duty in Minnesota since we’ve started keeping track,” said Deputy Chief Brian Hubbard. “These license plates give us the opportunity to honor the sacrifice of those fallen officers and family members, and we are honored to have these on our squads.”
Hubbard also serves as President of the Law Enforcement Memorial Association, or LEMA. He says they’ve lobbied for years for a special plate to benefit LEMA. All 22 Crystal squad cars now have the plates.
To put a LEMA plate on your car, there’s a $25 one-time contribution and an additional $5 contribution when you renew. The funds are used to aid families and departments of fallen officers. To learn more, click here.
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