Brooklyn Park Offers Discounts on Rain Barrels, Compost Bins
The city of Brooklyn Park is offering residents something that may help them conserve water.
The city partnered with the Recycling Association of Minnesota to provide rain barrels and compost bins at a reduced price.
Compost bins help turn your food scraps into nutrients that can be added to your garden. The rain barrels capture water from your roof to irrigate plants and trees.
City officials say rain barrels benefit the community in other ways too.
“It’s also a way to prevent runoffs. So if you got water that comes down and eventually ends up in the gutter and goes off into the storm water system, this is a way to kind of capture that on-site so we’re not running down the street and picking up all that debris and clogging all our storm water ponds,” explained Tim Pratt, Brooklyn Park Recycling Manager.
The city said there’s a demand for these products. Last year, the city sold out with 150 rain barrels and 100 compost.