Brooklyn Park Hopes Reconstruction of 93rd Avenue Will Reduce Speed
Construction crews will begin work on 93rd Avenue from Zane Avenue to Regent Avenue this May. The project will add a planted median plus a sidewalk on the north side of the road and a trail on the south side. One of the goals of the project is to reduce the speed on the roadway.
“If everything moves forward, the reconstruction will incorporate some center medians, some left turns lanes, some traffic calming measures,” said Jesse Struve, Brooklyn Park city engineer. “One of the main goals was to reduce speeds.”
Another reason for moving the project forward is that there’s new construction going up on the north side of the roadway. There is already a neighborhood south of 93rd.
Residents have been vocal about the issue of speed and traffic on this roadway before.
“I’m glad about the 40 mph speed limit,” said Collette Guyott-Hempel, who lives nearby. “It is going to make it a safer road for bicyclists, pedestrians and vehicles.”
The proposed timeline is for construction to begin in May and be finished this fall.
To listen to the city council discussion when they passed this layout, click here.