91% Rate Brooklyn Park Quality of Life as Good or Excellent
The city of Brooklyn Park has a better idea of what residents think about city services and overall quality of life. Results of a community survey were just released.
The city uses the survey to determine whether they’re making progress toward their 2025 goals. There are 103 questions on the survey, covering a variety of topics.
Mayor Jeff Lunde is excited to see the results.
“We like to see trends, a number by itself isn’t a big deal, but if you start to do surveys over a course of 20 years, you can start to see where things are headed,” Lunde said.
There are also questions surrounding quality of life. Sixty-five percent of people polled said they would rate the quality of life “good.” Another 26 percent rated the quality of life “excellent.” That’s compared to 8 percent who said it was “only fair.”
“I really love the diversity,”said resident Brandon Yarborough. “I’ve lived over in St Paul, in that area for most of my time here. I’ve been here since the 90s and I’ve never felt so welcomed, and so at home, since I moved to Brooklyn Park.”
Another question asks residents what they think is the most serious issue facing the community today? There was a tie at the top spot. Twenty percent said nothing and 20 percent said crime.
“Having crime at 20 percent is, I believe lower than it has been in the past, which also corresponds to the fact that it is lower,” explained Lunde.
The firm used for the survey takes demographics into consideration. They want respondents to be reflective of the diverse population. The survey questioned 800 people.