Plymouth Roundabouts to Enhance Safety and Ease Traffic Congestion
The city of Plymouth has taken a significant step toward enhancing safety and reducing traffic congestion with the installation of a new roundabout at the intersection of Gleason Lake Drive and Vicksburg Lane.
Assistant City Engineer Mike Payne shared some tips on how to navigate the circular intersection.
“As a driver, you should first slow down as you approach the roundabout, yield to any pedestrians in the crosswalk, and then yield to any traffic already circulating within the roundabout. Enter when it is safe to do so,” Payne advised. “Traffic flows in a counterclockwise direction within the roundabout. Continue through to your exit, always yielding to pedestrians in the crosswalk.”
Rendering of how a roundabout works.
Payne also shed light on the numerous benefits of roundabouts.
“They can efficiently handle higher traffic volumes with minimal delays, and above all, they are safer,” he said.
Payne points to a study by MnDOT, which reported an 86 percent reduction in fatal crashes, an 83 percent reduction in life-altering injury crashes, and a 42 percent reduction in overall injury crashes in areas equipped with roundabouts.
Studies have also shown that roundabouts are safer for pedestrians, with fewer lanes to cross and vehicles approaching from just one direction.
Looking ahead, Payne reveals the city’s plans to introduce more roundabouts across Plymouth.
“We have four roundabouts planned on Plymouth Boulevard, and we are targeting several other areas throughout the city,” he adds.
For additional information, visit the city of Plymouth’s website.