Organics Recycling in Maple Grove
Maple Grove residents will soon have the option to recycle organic materials, whether it’s banana peels, egg shells, or pizza boxes. As of January 1st, 2022 cities across Hennepin County will be required to offer organics recycling. Ken Ashfeld, Director of Public Works for Maple Grove says, “The recycling option that Maple Grove selected for its organics part of recycling is to simply co-mingle the organics material within the household refuse bin. Basically the garbage bin that residents already have.)) This co-mingling makes the program more affordable, because there’s no need for extra recycling carts, or extra trucks on the road. The organics are put into compost bags, that are provided by your garbage hauler, and the compost bag is tossed into your garbage cart. The garbage hauler will then separate it out on their end. Residents who choose to recycle organics will need to contract with their garbage hauler for services. For more information about organics recycling in Maple Grove go to and search Organics.