Meadow Lake Drawdown
The City of New Hope has drawn down Meadow Lake, which basically means they’ve pumped the water out of the lake. The reason? To improve the water quality and reduce the nutrient load. According to City Engineer Dan Boyum, “We hope to consolidate the sediment in the bottom of the lake, we hope to get rid of the Fat Head Minnows that have overpopulated the lake, as well as the Curly Leaf Pondweed, getting that to die out.”
Boyum adds, “These improvements to the lake will definitely help the ecosystem of the lake, it will improve the water quality, it’ll make for more diverse vegetation that helps with that water quality, it’ll help with creating a better environment for wildlife throughout the lake, and just improving the total water quality here at Meadow Lake.”
A turtle hibernation pool has been left on the south end of the lake, to help preserve the its turtle population. For more information go to